воскресенье, 8 июня 2008 г.

Botanical Rosa from Lanarte finished

Yesterday evening I finished #34926 Botanical Rose from Lanarte. Very happy with the result!

Rosa Botanical result

Happy stitching!

6 комментариев:

  1. wonderful ! i am a lanarte fan... your work is really nice ! do you have an idea of frame ?

  2. Thanks! Thus far I don't have an idea. I plan to stitch both pictures and frame them equally. I still have a time for reflection.

  3. Hi there ! I just bought this kit. Marie told me you just stitched it but didn't use the fabric from the kit. It's beautiful though ;) Great job. Check my blog if you have some time ;)

  4. Dear Elena!
    You made a wonderful job on this Lanarte kit!
    I m just about to stitch the same rose, but sadly realized that I have lost the color key to it.
    Could I ask you, if you still have it, to send me the color code of this rose?
    e-mail: garaieditinez@hotmail.com
    Thank you so much!

  5. Hello mam! Your work is simply outstanding. I am also interested in making this pattern but the kit is not available online. Could you please mail me it's chart +colour key on the given email id. Thanks in advance


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